He was a new beginning, but he also helps me get through all the other beginnings

He was a new beginning, but he also helps me get through all the other beginnings

Friday, January 20, 2012

You and Me and Baby Makes Three

We're pregnant!  The first epiphany (and in the last 3 months there have been MANY epiphanies!) I had while being pregnant is that there is nothing more exciting than seeing those two pink lines appear on a pregnancy test.

Chad and I decided to "not, not try" for a baby at the end of October, full anticipating that it would take a few months to be successful.  We went on with our lives as normal and November was a really busy time! It did not dawn on me that my period was a few days late until I was driving to the hospital to patiently wait for Little Finn Conway to be born.  Realizing that I would most likely be in a hospital waiting room the majority of the day just wondering whether or not I was pregnant, I decided to pull over, purchase a pregnancy test and throw it in my purse! At the right moment, I excused myself for the ladies room.

Inside, I truly did not believe I was pregnant. I had what felt like PMS and cramping and figured that I was late merely due to the stress at work. I took the test, put it on the paper towel dispenser and washed my hands.  It was then that I glanced over and truly couldn't believe my eyes. I thought perhaps I had double vision, or maybe just wishful thinking but sure enough after blinking several times and holding the test up the light there they were: Two lines. Two beautiful pink lines.

It was in that exact moment that my life officially changed.  It is in that moment that everything else became my past, and that anything from that moment on was now my unfamiliar present. It all changed so quickly for me, right there, alone in the ladies room.